Cirebon is a border area between two great cultures on the island of Java, the Javanese and Sundanese culture. As a border region, Cirebon culture is a “mixture” of these two great cultures. For example, Cirebon people can understand and communicate with Sundanese and Javanese. However, Cirebon apparently also absorbed influences from other cultures, such as China and the Netherlands (Europe), as shown in several historic buildings in this area.

Cirebon dynamics can not be separated from the factors of leadership in the region. According to the Babad Tanah Sunda, Cirebon has existed since the time of Hindus and was a part of the Kingdom of Siliwangi. The leader then called Ki Gedeng Tapa. After Islam came through the preaching of Sunan Gunung Jati, Cirebon region secede from the empire Siliwangi and was ruled under Prince Cakrabuana.
Center of the new royal government, which also became the center of the spread of Islam, was Pakungwati Palace, which was founded in 1529 by Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin II (one of his great-grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati) ( - even though, according to other sources , the palace was founded by Sunan Gunung Jati (
Historical background
If only Sultan Agung Banten Tirtayasa did not interfere with the domestic affairs of the kingdom of Cirebon, the Pangkuwati Palace would remain the only center of government in the region of Cirebon. However, in the 17th century, the Banten Sultanate and the Mataram Sultanate had been competing over the control of the area east of Cirebon. By mastering Cirebon, Banten will then have the fort which was useful if Mataram took the initiative to attack Banten. At the very least, Cirebon will hamper the pace of Mataram forces and give time to prepare for Banten.
So, in 1677, Sultan Agung Tirtayasa crown Prince Wangsakarta to replace the king of Cirebon then just die, Panembahan Girilaya. In addition, Sultan Agung also sent troops to help Trunojoyo whom was at war with Amangkurat I of Mataram. With the help of Trunojoyo, the second son of Panembahan Girilaya successfully freed from Mataram and then returned to Cirebon. Since this period, Cirebon has three leaders, each of whom known as the Sultan Sepuh, Sultan Anom, and Panembahan Cirebon.
The first two leaders were the sons Panembahan Girilaya. His original name is Prince Sultan Sepuh Martawijaya, whereas the original name of Sultan Anom is Prince Kartawijaya. Meanwhile, Cirebon also had Prince Wangsakerta, whom became king of Cirebon with the full support of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa. The three leaders were Cirebon leaders. Each of them ruled in the center of their respective governments.
Although divided by foreign intervention, it seems that the leaders still respected the royal lineage that they gave the throne Pangkuwati Palace, the oldest seat of government in Cirebon, to the eldest son of the late Panembahan Girilaya, namely Prince Martawijaya. Because Prince Sultan Martawijaya assumed the title as Sultan Sepuh, then the name of the palace where he lived is called the Kasepuhan Palace.
Parts of the palace
The first impression when we enteris Kasepuhan area is an old building that is not well maintained. There is a lot of damage that had not been repaired. For example, roof tiles that sloping and not placed correctly, hanging in the roof timber, garbage is still visible in some places, the window that was already obsolete, and others (
However, the tour guide at the Palace whom is also the Kasepuhan courtiers will be happy to accompany visitors and explain everything about this tourist attraction. This palace stores treasures accumulated since the 15th century, including weapons, porcelain, ceramics, furniture, and golden train Singo Barong (
When we enter the courtyard, we have to going through the gates which are made of ornamented ceramics. These Ceramics were gifts from China. On the other yard, there is a hall-hall for the king, lord of war, religious leaders and a place to rest. Going deeper, there are two lion statues in the middle of a lace called Bunderan. Both statues symbolize that Cirebon is the successor kingdom of Pajajaran (
To see the deepest part of the palace, we will have to pass the gate, made of white walls. The door was decorated with Delft ancient-style, Netherlands (white-blue color), and Chinese (the dominant motif of green dragon). Interestingly, there is an inscription at the wooden part of this gate, “Buk Bacem". "Bacem" is a process of soaking the wood for building materials to measure its quality. In addition, this process is also useful for strengthening the texture of the wood. After soaking, then the wood is dried in the sun and carved or engraved. In accordance with its making, the wooden doors are named “Buk Bacem” (
Inside the palace, there are some spaces (wards) for meeting of the court nobles. In addition to the king’s throne, in these wards are also stored replicas of the scarf that amounted to nine, which represents the number of Walisongo. One interesting artifact is an ornamented ceramics about the story of 25 apostles, in addition to the story of Cirebon Sultanate relationship with other kingdoms both in the nusantara Archipelago and other continents (
Current state palace
At the time of Indonesian independence, the Sultanate of Cirebon region became an integrated part of the Republic of Indonesia. In general, the areas in the Sultanate of Cirebon City include Cirebon city and Cirebon regency. Cirebon Sultanate no longer the center of the development of the central government and the Islamic religion. Nevertheless, the royal courts are still carrying out its role as a cultural center especially in Cirebon and nearby areas (Dani Prasetyo, 2009:76).
Reading list
Deni Prasetyo, 2009. Know the archipelago kingdom. Jakarta: Penerbit Pustaka Widyatama
Day, 2008. "Kasepuhan Cirebon", downloaded on December 15, 2009, available at
Kasmidi, 2009. "Tour de Cirebon episode 2", downloaded on December 15, 2009, available at
nn, nd, "Kasepuhan Keraton Cirebon", downloaded on December 15, 2009, available at
Ton6312, 2009. "Cirebon", downloaded on December 15, 2009, available at
Ukirsari, 2007. "Baceman, not just for knowing Ian tempe", downloaded on December 15, 2009, available at
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